Authenticating for OPERATE failed due to java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to authenticate due to missing Set-Cookie

We are getting the above error when we are trying to enable authentication for the inbound with k8s config for connectors component.

We are using simple auth, also we have created the additional user which is connectors in open search manually as we can see that this particular user it is referencing in helm chart.

Any resolution for this.?

Unable to authenticate due to missing Set-Cookie

Can you share your helm values file?

Hey please find the attached values file.
values-sandbox.yaml (200.0 KB)

The cookie issue is resolved.
Secret was getting refreshed every time when connector pod was getting restarted,
I’ve set the value for connectors.inbound.auth.existingSecret.

Now I’m getting new issue which is,

2024-09-09T10:37:31.667Z ERROR 1 --- [   scheduling-1] i.camunda.common.http.DefaultHttpClient  : Failed POST with responseType class io.camunda.operate.model.SearchResult, parameterType class io.camunda.operate.model.ProcessDefinition, selector io.camunda.operate.model.SearchResult<io.camunda.operate.model.ProcessDefinition>, body due to Response not successful: 403
2024-09-09T10:37:31.667Z ERROR 1 --- [   scheduling-1] i.c.c.r.i.i.ProcessDefinitionImporter    : Failed to import process definitions
io.camunda.common.exception.SdkException: io.camunda.common.exception.SdkException: Response not successful: 403
at	at io.camunda.operate.CamundaOperateClient.searchProcessDefinitionResults(	
at io.camunda.connector.runtime.inbound.importer.ProcessDefinitionSearch.query(	
at io.camunda.connector.runtime.inbound.importer.ProcessDefinitionImporter.scheduleImport(	
at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DirectMethodHandleAccessor.invoke(Unknown Source)	at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source)

Is there anything from the permission side from operator side or open search side.?
I tried giving OWNER access for operate user, still it remains the same.
On open search side as well it has full access.
