Authentication problems zeebe operate elasticsearch

I am trying to get the zeebe operate helm chart working with an existing elastic search cluster. I believe it is possible. When I run the helm chart the zeebe operate pod gets up but when I look into the logging the following errors:

2021-11-01 16:46:26.671 INFO 6 — [ main] i.c.o.Application : Starting Application using Java 11.0.12 on zeebe-zeebe-operate-helm-74cf9dcd44-bhzz5 with PID 6 (/usr/local/operate/lib/operate-webapp-1.1.2-exec.jar started by root in /usr/local/operate)
2021-11-01 16:46:26.678 INFO 6 — [ main] i.c.o.Application : The following profiles are active: auth
2021-11-01 16:46:31.358 INFO 6 — [ main] o.s.b.w.e.t.TomcatWebServer : Tomcat initialized with port(s): 8080 (http)
2021-11-01 16:46:31.368 INFO 6 — [ main] o.a.c.h.Http11NioProtocol : Initializing ProtocolHandler [“http-nio-8080”]
2021-11-01 16:46:31.368 INFO 6 — [ main] o.a.c.c.StandardService : Starting service [Tomcat]
2021-11-01 16:46:31.369 INFO 6 — [ main] o.a.c.c.StandardEngine : Starting Servlet engine: [Apache Tomcat/9.0.48]
2021-11-01 16:46:31.493 INFO 6 — [ main] o.a.c.c.C.[.[.[/] : Initializing Spring embedded WebApplicationContext
2021-11-01 16:46:31.493 INFO 6 — [ main] w.s.c.ServletWebServerApplicationContext : Root WebApplicationContext: initialization completed in 4636 ms
2021-11-01 16:46:32.248 INFO 6 — [ main] i.c.o.WebappModuleConfiguration : Starting module: webapp
2021-11-01 16:46:34.583 INFO 6 — [ main] i.c.o.s.SchemaStartup : SchemaStartup started.
2021-11-01 16:46:34.584 INFO 6 — [ main] i.c.o.s.SchemaStartup : SchemaStartup: validate schema.
2021-11-01 16:46:34.878 INFO 6 — [ main] i.c.o.s.SchemaStartup : SchemaStartup: schema is empty or not complete. Indices will be created.
2021-11-01 16:46:34.880 INFO 6 — [ main] i.c.o.s.ElasticsearchSchemaManager : Create default settings from ‘operate_template’ with 1 shards and 0 replicas per index.
2021-11-01 16:46:34.974 WARN 6 — [ main] i.c.o.u.RetryOperation : method [HEAD], host [], URI [/_index_template/operate_template?master_timeout=30s], status line [HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden]

it looks like camunda operate cant authenticate against the elasticsearch instance. The username and password are correct.

my config.yaml is as followed:

Operate configuration file


ELS instance to store Operate data

# Cluster name
clusterName: elastic
# Host
# Transport port
port: 443
# Elasticsearch full url
# username
username: swf_fluentd_service_account
# password
password: ***********

Zeebe instance

# Broker contact point
brokerContactPoint: zeebe-zeebe-gateway:26500

ELS instance to export Zeebe data to

# Cluster name
clusterName: elastic
# Host
host: Same as above
# Transport port
port: 443
# Index prefix, configured in Zeebe Elasticsearch exporter
prefix: zeebe-record
# Elasticsearch full url
url: same as above
# username
username: swf_fluentd_service_account
# password
password: *********
org.camunda.operate: ERROR
#Spring Boot Actuator endpoints to be exposed
management.endpoints.web.exposure.include: health,info,conditions,configprops,prometheus

Is there someone who knows how to handle this?

You need to use a compatible version of ElasticSearch. Check the version installed by the Helm charts. If you try to connect to an incompatible version of ElasticSearch, it won’t work.

Problem solved, we didn’t have the right to create indexes in our elastic search.