I have not actually tried to implement more sophisticated Maven configuration. However, I do know that variables can be set to provide values that Maven will use when executing a specific goal. I don’t know if these variables can be set in the “environment” by some process or if you would have to create some way to dynamically modify the pom.xml file.
For example, your entry above might look something like this:
The values for “${processName}” and “${processVersion}” would typically be set in the properties section of the POM file. However, there are probably mechanisms that would allow you to set them dynamically as opposed to you having to modify the POM file each time (which you don’t want to do). I don’t know how to do that.
Finally, I’m not completely sure I understand your requirements. Do you want to create a “prototype” project with all of this automation set up so that you can simply create a new project from it? If so, the first step would be to understand how to create a Maven archetype, which I don’t know how to do. That way, when you go to create a new process, you would create a new Maven project you would use that archetype as starting point. You would name the project or process and that name should “flow” into the pom.xml file some way.
The deployment mechanism, assuming the Camunda server hostname, user, and password were static, would automatically be there every time. Then after you finished your process, you would execute the Maven build and include the deployment goal. This would build, package, and deploy your project in one step.
One reason we still use the Camunda Eclipse plugin is because all of the machinery to do this is in there. Camunda Modeler decouples several key development tools (like creation of custom Java classes) from the primary development environment. I don’t think that’s the right way to do it.
I wish I could give you a simple recipe for what you’re trying to do, but if you’re going to use Camunda Modeler and a separate instance of Maven, then you’re going to have to build a lot of the automation yourself.