I have three verify work in pararal. if one need update, it will return to submit form.
here is the state of one approve, one need update, one haven’t verify.
Only if all incoming sequence flows have been signaled, the
outgoing sequence flow is signaled.
In below snip we have 3 incoming sequence flows and only two have been signaled “all three need to be signaled to get work continues”.
And I can confirm that as per the attached model we have so many scenarios in which this might never happen (Below is an example in which red path would never consumed since token has followed blue path)
I select “update”, goto first init task. (not the blue path “reject”).
so the first round , 2/3 arived at the join gateway. (should block)
and the second update round, 3/3 arived at the join gateway. (should not block)
dose it mean the active join gateway should be 1, not 2(what i encount now, shows in the last pic)?