Bootstrap compatibility to Camunda


Good day!

Does anyone know what version of bootstrap is compatible to camunda?

Thank you.

Hi there!

Can you be a little more specific please? What are you trying to implement, and where will you be using Bootstrap?


Hi @davidgs,

I’m trying to customize my camunda cockpit, tasklist, admin as well as embedded html. But some bootstrap tag/class doesn’t work with camunda.

Thank you.

Without more specifics, and some of the code, error messages, etc. I’m not sure how I can be of any use here.



Hi @davidgs,

I created an external html form that displays the task details. On the html there is a launch modal button that launches the modal I created but upon clicking it the page somehow freezes/disabled.

Tried opening the html before deploying it to camunda and the launch modal button works completely.

Hi @hjsr,

recently I answered the question for somebody else: Bootstrap for Embedded Forms - #2 by Ingo_Richtsmeier

Hope this helps, Ingo

Hi @hjsr,

here is an example to show a model dialogue before you complete the task: code/snippets/embedded-form-development-example at master · camunda-consulting/code · GitHub

Hope this helps, Ingo

HI @Ingo_Richtsmeier,

May I know which camunda-spring-boot-starter-webapp is needed to be edited?

I saw two camunda-spring-boot-starter-webapp located in the camunda\internal\webapps

Hi @hjsr,

the modal dialogue is handled in the form itself: code/modal-dialogue-form.html at master · camunda-consulting/code · GitHub

Hope this helps, Ingo