Good day!
Does anyone know what version of bootstrap is compatible to camunda?
Thank you.
Good day!
Does anyone know what version of bootstrap is compatible to camunda?
Thank you.
Hi there!
Can you be a little more specific please? What are you trying to implement, and where will you be using Bootstrap?
Hi @davidgs,
I’m trying to customize my camunda cockpit, tasklist, admin as well as embedded html. But some bootstrap tag/class doesn’t work with camunda.
Thank you.
Without more specifics, and some of the code, error messages, etc. I’m not sure how I can be of any use here.
Hi @davidgs,
I created an external html form that displays the task details. On the html there is a launch modal button that launches the modal I created but upon clicking it the page somehow freezes/disabled.
Tried opening the html before deploying it to camunda and the launch modal button works completely.
Hi @hjsr,
recently I answered the question for somebody else: Bootstrap for Embedded Forms - #2 by Ingo_Richtsmeier
Hope this helps, Ingo
Hi @hjsr,
here is an example to show a model dialogue before you complete the task: code/snippets/embedded-form-development-example at master · camunda-consulting/code · GitHub
Hope this helps, Ingo
May I know which camunda-spring-boot-starter-webapp is needed to be edited?
I saw two camunda-spring-boot-starter-webapp located in the camunda\internal\webapps
Hi @hjsr,
the modal dialogue is handled in the form itself: code/modal-dialogue-form.html at master · camunda-consulting/code · GitHub
Hope this helps, Ingo