BPMN Deployment Error

Hi All,

I am trying to deploy BPMN process using Modeler but getting below error.

@nathan.loding @Niall I think most of the users and industries are trying to break through C8 but same time they also have to face the unpredictable error and trying to put his/her head around the issue to get fixed.

your help would be highly appreciated by the community’s forum users.

Cannot accept requests for partition 1. Broker is out of disk space [ deploy-error ]


@yadav1990 - the error message says what the problem is: your brokers are out of disk space. Zeebe brokers require persistent volumes, and resizing them can sometimes be difficult, but you need to assign more space to those volumes. How you do that depends almost entirely on how you’ve deployed Zeebe, to what service, and how that service resizes volumes.

hi @nathan.loding ,
Thank you for the clarification. After checking the zeebe log, I can see there is some WARN in the log so can we consider that is the RCA of the issue.

I deployed self managed Zeebe using Helm chart so could you please guide how to resolve this issue permanently ?

[Broker-0-zb-actors-2] WARN 
      io.camunda.zeebe.broker.system - Out of disk space. Current available 929091584 bytes. Minimum needed 1009079255 bytes.
2024-07-16 20:14:04.530 [Broker-0-ZeebePartition-3] [Broker-0-zb-actors-2] WARN 
      io.camunda.zeebe.broker.system - Disk space usage is above threshold. Pausing stream processor.
2024-07-16 20:14:04.530 [Broker-0-ZeebePartition-2] [Broker-0-zb-actors-1] WARN 
      io.camunda.zeebe.broker.system - Disk space usage is above threshold. Pausing stream processor.
2024-07-16 20:14:04.530 [Broker-0-ZeebePartition-1] [Broker-0-zb-actors-0] WARN 
      io.camunda.zeebe.broker.system - Disk space usage is above threshold. Pausing stream processor.
2024-07-16 20:14:04.530 [Broker-0-ZeebePartition-1] [Broker-0-zb-actors-0] WARN 
      io.camunda.zeebe.broker.system - ZeebePartition-1 failed, marking it as unhealthy: Partition-1{status=HEALTHY}
2024-07-16 20:14:04.530 [Broker-0-ZeebePartition-3] [Broker-0-zb-actors-2] WARN 
      io.camunda.zeebe.broker.system - ZeebePartition-3 failed, marking it as unhealthy: Partition-3{status=HEALTHY}
2024-07-16 20:14:04.531 [Broker-0-ZeebePartition-2] [Broker-0-zb-actors-1] WARN 
      io.camunda.zeebe.broker.system - ZeebePartition-2 failed, marking it as unhealthy: Partition-2{status=HEALTHY}

@yadav1990 - we have some resources on how to properly size your environment here:

As for how you resize your existing volumes, that depends a lot on where you’ve deployed it too, beyond just using Kubernetes. But k8s supports resizing volumes. This isn’t a feature of Camunda but rather k8s, so you need to refer to the k8s documentation for that: Resizing Persistent Volumes using Kubernetes | Kubernetes

@nathan.loding I have increased the disk space as well but still getting same error.
Your efforts would be highly appreciated if we can sort this issue.


@yadav1990 - if you’re still getting that error, I would suspect that there are still disk sizing issues. Without knowing all the details of your environment I can’t provide many specifics. It depends on a lot of variables: the environment it’s deployed in, how those pods are configured, how Zeebe is configured, how many process definitions are deployed, how many process instances are running at a given time, how long those processes run for, how many tasks are in each process, how often the exporter is running, and probably a few more variables. If you have an enterprise license, our support team would be the best avenue to get this resolved.