Bpmn.io-viewer/editor for collaboration with Nextcloud

Hi Harald,

big deal!
Many thanks for the modeler plugin for Nextcloud!

I’m a big fan of Nextcloud and also have watched the first approaches of integration Camunda workflow into nextcloud. But after this first steps as you mentioned nothing is going on here :frowning:
(Hoping for https://forum.camunda.io/t/inetgration-with-nextcloud/10536
And now there is a flow component in the growing that is specialized only for Nextcloud.
No Standard BPMN :frowning:
But… there seems to be light at the horizon with your editor plugin released for Nextcloud :wave:
Now we have another free and web based BPMN editor/viewer integration like Viadee (bpmn.io based) Modeler for Confluence .
But this time it is fully opensourced and for the opensource cloud Nextcloud :bangbang:

I searched around the Camunda Community and Conference channels and could not find any posting about it despite of this here in the forum.

Perhaps it helps to copy or move that repo to the new Camunda Community Hub !
Perhaps someone would see that and would start develop an Camunda engine integration for Nextcloud finally :pray:

Besides that - any new features planned for the modeler?
Would be also nice if you would find time for your modeler to take part in the OMG BPMN Model Interchange Working Group contest to get an official certificate of BPMN conformity.
It should be relatively easy because you rely on bpmn.io which also takes part in the contest :wink:
And if you’re mentioned on that site there there will again much more awareness.

Many thanks again!