BPMN parse listener, add and register plugin with wildfly

Hello everyone, please help, I don’t know what to do anymore.

I have combined this two examples

BPMN parse listener at assignment and sending email.

What next?

I run mvn install and get .jar file, then I moved this .jar to /Wildfly/server/…/standalone/deployments.

Then I run start-camunda.bat. I can see that this .jar was registred in logs, but nothing works.
Tried to add in standalone.xml, but got error that it should be visible from camunda-wildfly-subsystem. Any suggestions guys?

Hi @Turdalyn_Nurasyl,

for Wildfly you have to create the module.xml with the dependencies to other Wildfly modules. Have a look at the Wildlfy docs for further details.

It would be much easier if you use the Tomcat distribution. On this platform, a jar file in the lib folder and referencing the plugin classes in bpm-platform.xml is sufficient.

Hope this helps, Ingo

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