Bpmn.xsd missing?

Hey guys,

when I’m creating a new process inside the Camunda Modeler I get a fine looking xml(bpmn) file with a lot of namespaces. One of it being: xmlns:camunda="http://camunda.org/schema/1.0/bpmn". Unfortunately resolving this URL leaves me with 404. Invoking https://camunda.org/schema/1.0/ shows that there’s BPMPlatform.xsd as well as ProcessApplication.xsd uploaded. Is there any specific reason why the bpmn.xsd is not present?

Working directly with the xml-file with external tooling like IntelliJ (no advertisement) would greatly benefit from having the xsd-schema at hand so that the editor can validate and type-hint my “coding”.


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I have the same problem

This is how I solved it: https://forum.camunda.io/t/where-can-i-find-the-xsd-of-the-created-bpmn/25870