Broker health and workflows not showing in Operate

I am using the zeebe - kafka - connector docker compose for my POC and seemed to have it working reasonably well but new deployed workflows or workflow instances don’t appear in operate. They seem to deploy to the broker when using zbctl ( i get a correct responses back) but since they don’t appear anywhere I can’t confirm. I read through another forum post about lack of api to get a list of deployed workflows and running instances and basic health and in my view this is gap.

Anyhow, so what might be the issue with operate since all seems to be running correctly? I assume the broker is fine but exporter is not working?

Second related question: Can I get the simple monitor to work with this compose file because the current simple monitor project currently includes zeebe also and I don’t want that.


@Greco66 for the first issue do you have elastic search running? Can you look at the logs of the operate container?

You can probably get Simple Monitor working in that setup if you hack a docker compose with the components and configurations that you want.

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