c8run - REST outbound connector


I’ve just installed c8run to make a small PoC to check how camunda platform handles several scenarios.
I started the PoC with a trial account in SaaS, now, the trial period has finished, I moved to c8run.
Everything i did in c8 SaaS shifted to c8run seamlessly, except outbound REST calls…
In c8run I am not being able to perform any outbound REST call (I am using a simple publicly available API to do it - https://api.coincap.io/v2/assets).
In Operate I can check that the orchestration gets stuck…

Can anyone help please?

Many thanks in advance

Hi @rogerio_vicente
Can you share the BPMN file?


Hi Alex,

Of course! And many thanks for the quick reply.

Attached two files:

coinBuy.bpmn – Where originally I got the issue

test_rest.bpmn – A small process just to illustrate the issue to post in the forum as the previous depends on job workers to get there…

Best regards,

coinBuy.bpmn (14.0 KB)
test_rest.bpmn (4.3 KB)

I’ve started the c8run and executed your process “test_rest.bpmn”.
Executed with no issues for me.

Have you tried to shut down and then start again your environment?


Hi Alex,

Many thanks again.

I did not try before, but I did it now and the result was the same…

I am running c8run in windows (I don’t know if that’s relevant)

I also checked access the service directly from the browser and using curl and it was ok.

c8run.exe start logs seams ok

Many thanks


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