I use call activity in my BPMN. You can find the discussion regarding my use case below.
I create 3 subprocesses at a time using loop cardinality and I can add more subprocesses for the same parent process instance before the existing subprocesses completed. I need to complete the call activity if one of the subprocesses completed. So this completion condition below works fine if I create 3 subprocesses only one time. ${nrOfCompletedInstances/nrOfInstances >= 0.3}
But if I create more subprocesses before existing processes completed, this condition completion does not work. ${nrOfCompletedInstances/nrOfInstances >= 0.01}
It completes only the first 3 subprocesses and others remain in call activity so the parent process doesn’t move forward. If I add more items, then I get duplicate nrOfInstances and nrOfCompletedInstances variables on the parent process. Would the completion condition work for this scenario or do I need to delete the remaining processes using Rest API?
I couldn’t find any solution to this problem. As a workaround, I will try to avoid revisiting call activity to add new subprocesses for the same parent. In the beginning, I will create a possible maximum amount of subprocesses. E.g Loop cardinality will be set to 15 instead of 3. So that I will create them only one time and I won’t have duplicate nrOfCompletedInstances, nrOfInstances variables on parent process… And I will set the completion condition.