We are migrating our process apps to Camunda 7.14, in our earlier product (Lombardi) we are using sub process (collapsed) inside a toolkit and reuse the subprocess across different business processes.
With camunda migration we are changing sub process(collapsed) to call activity. As part of call activity need few guidelines.
We have nearly 20 different processes which will reuse 5 sub processes(call activity). Call activity will be maintained separately , separate deployments.
#1 If we have an issue with call activity process/service, how can we revert to previous version of call activity version.
#2 Say out of 20 main processes only 1 main process have issue in invoking call activity, so is it possible to revert call activity process to previous version such that all other 19 will point to latest version of call activity.
With Lombardi we have concept of toolkit and versioning is confined to the business process, how can we achieve similar in camunda?
Is call activity approach suitable one to handle equivalent toolkit behavior or any suggestions?
Are there any guideline for call activity reuse across processes.
Kindly advise.