Camunda 7.20, Spring boot, prometheus metrics

Hello, I’m running into a strange issue.

We have upgraded to Camunda 7.20 and using the prometheus spring boot actuator to gather metrics on the server. The metric

http_server_requests_seconds_count tag is getting messed up with certain conditions.

If I hit the prometheus endpoint first, then we do not get the metric for the
engine-rest endpoints.

If I hit the engine-rest endpoints first, then we get the metric with correct tags.

I thought this may have something to do with the servlet not starting so I turned on the application property.

spring.servlet.load-on-startup= 1

Now if I hit the prometheus endpoint first, then the engine-rest endpoints. I see the metric, but it is tagged with uri="UNKNOWN"

Hi @Frankwayne,

Welcome to the forum!

From which version did you upgrade?

Side note: we do not have any custom implementation for Prometheus metrics. I would assume that a change in the web applications is affecting the metrics in a way if it was working before out of the box.


thank you for the welcome :slight_smile:

it was Camunda 7.18 to Camunda 7.20

that is correct the prometheus endpoint comes pre-packaged with spring-boot

The Camunda 7.20 update was also with a spring boot update from 2 to 3 as well