Camunda 7 EOF and Camunda 8 does not provide embedded engine support

We are using Camunda 7 Community Edition in our product as embedded BPA engine. We want to run the BPAs within the same application transaction. With C7 we can do it since the Camunda 7 supports for embedding the engine. That is the main reason we selected Camunda as a BPA engine in our product.

However, Camunda has announced (Support Announcements | ) that support for Camunda 7 Community Edition will end in October 2025, and full support for the Enterprise Edition (EE) will be available until April 2027.

unfortunately, we can use Camunda 7 Community Edition till Oct 2025 and moving from Camunda 7 Community Edition to EE also not a long-term solution for us since EE also EOL in Apr 2027. Furthermore, migrating from Camunda 7 to Camunda 8 is not feasible, as C8 does not have engine embedding support.

Given these constraints, we are about to investigate the possible options now for a long-term solution

Could you please advise us with your recommendation on this? All help/suggestions/views are much appreciated.

Thank you in advance


Hello @Achala_Silva ,

as Zeebe cannot be embedded due to its design and also does not use a database at all, there is no way to proceed with the current architecture.

I would recommend you read this:

It gives you an idea on how you can still achieve consistency in your system.

I hope this helps


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You can fork Camunda BPM and use it as long as you wish.

Yes, Forking is an option, but it adds additional overhead and costs for maintenance. Therefore, this option is not feasible for us.

Thank you @fml2 for suggesting it

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