Camunda 7- Suspension process, interrupting conditional event

Hi Team,

I want to know behaviour of the camund aprocess in suspension state. My main process is in suspended state and at some x activity. Now i want to update some process variable on it which is usualy allowed. Lets say “complete” = “true”.

i.e. suspendProcessInstanceById - Suspends the process instance with the given id. This means that the execution is stopped, so the token state will not change. However, actions that do not change token state, like setting/removing variables, etc. will succeed.

But what if i have interrupting conditional catching event on the same process. And that conditional event is based on the process variable which we are going to update. Will token state transfer to catch conditional event?

Pradip Patil

Hi All,

I have tested this scenario and found the results. Updation of conditional event process variable will not be allowed on suspended process. Your update variable operation will fail with below error- process definition with id ‘BPMN_SUSPEND_UPDATE_VAR:1:d7f433b6-7688-11ef-9406-849d8f5e5650’: org.camunda.bpm.engine.SuspendedEntityInteractionException: ENGINE-03043 Execution with id ‘e771cf18-7688-11ef-9406-849d8f5e5650’ is suspended.

And this is valid as, any activity which can lead to moment of token information is not allowed on suspended business process Instance.

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