Camunda 8 API - unknown sortBy

I have a self-managed docker compose installation, I have enabled alpha queries and have successfully authenticated and retrieved the access_token.

However, any search query that I try to call which requires a filter returns the following error message:

Example: http://localhost:8088/v2/user-tasks/search

    "type": "about:blank",
    "title": "INVALID_ARGUMENT",
    "status": 400,
    "detail": "Unknown sortBy: completionTime.",
    "instance": "/v2/user-tasks/search"

I have tried to use field names from the docs such as: dueDate, createTime, completionTime..etc and I’ve also tried setting up my own variables in modeller and try to sort by them but its not working.

Removing the sort criteria or supplying an empty sort object in the body results in:

    "type": "about:blank",
    "title": "Failed to execute UserTask Search Query",
    "status": 500,
    "detail": "Failed to execute search query",
    "instance": "/v2/user-tasks/search"

Can anybody tell me how to create these variables or if there’s a list of predefined variables to sort by?


Bumping question up.

I’m struggling with the same error:

Query user tasks (alpha) throws error - Camunda 8 Topics - Camunda Forum

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