Camunda 8 elastic shards configuration


Camunda 8, OKD (k8s)

When using Camunda 8, we noticed an increase in CPU load and an increase in shards. New indexes with the current date appear in the indexes every time the process is started. Do I need to configure elastic cleaning?

Do I need to configure the helm lifecycle block in config file ?

Best regards.

Hello @baigarinvv,

Zeebe exports data to Elasticsearch, which is reindexed by Tasklist, Operate, and Optimize to fit the applications’ specific needs.
Tasklist, Operate, and Zeebe created dated indices: The data of completed process instances is moved to a dated index, which contains the end date in its name. By default, historic data is not deleted. This means you’ll end up with more and more indices.

Therefore, configure a Data Retention strategy:

I hope this helps.

Thank you for providing the information! We will try these options. :slightly_smiling_face: