Camunda 8 end event output parameters


We are using Camunda Platform 8 Self Managed and Desktop Modeler

Process does not calculate output parameters in “none end event”. Is there a chance to calculate these output parameters and put them in the process values without using the “message end event”?

Hi @hmeniz,

thank you for raising this up. :+1:

You’re right. At the moment, the output variable mapping is not applied.

The Camunda Modeler should not offer this option. However, it sounds like a valid case to apply these output mappings.

Feel free to create a new feature request here.

As a workaround, you could use an intermediate none throw event to set the variables: None events | Camunda Platform 8 Docs

Best regards,


@Philipp_Ossler @hmeniz
Hi all,
What is the status of this one?
Is Ticket created?

Philipp, thanks for the work around!

What is the status of this one? Is Ticket created?

:wave: Hi @Jovan_Zoric. This feature is currently available in version 8.2.0-alpha1 and later. Version 8.2.0 is expected to be released around April.