Camunda 8 form Table component and nested structures in JSON

I have a variable containing JSON, for example:

“role”: “Team Lead”,
“workgroup”: {
“name”: “Team Alpha”
“role”: “Developer”,
“workgroup”: {
“name”: “Team Beta”

In Camunda Form I added a Table component and binded it to this variable.

In the Form Table header items, when I add a label ‘Role’ and set the key to ‘role’, everything displays correctly in the table cell. However, when working with nested structures, such as setting the label to ‘Workgroup’ and the key to ‘’, the cell remains empty. How can I properly configure the Form Table to display values from a nested JSON structure?

Hi @Alex3, welcome to the forums! I don’t think this is currently possible. The JSON structure needed by the tables is that each object in the array represents one row. With nested data, it no longer truly represents one row. You could use FEEL to flatten the data, and use the flattened data as the data source:

for record in records return {
  "role": record.role,

(Example in FEEL Playground)

Thank you very much!

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