Camunda 8 - Modeler and DMN

I use Modeler 8 on Mac OS, and Camunda 8 Self-Manged.
I try the following process with DMN:
First-Level-Decision.dmn (2.9 KB)
loan_process.bpmn (15.5 KB)

I got the following error:


Called decision error
Error Message
Expected to evaluate decision ‘first-level-decision’, but no decision found for id ‘first-level-decision’
Root Cause Process Instance
Current Instance

Please help,

Because I am new here so in the last message I could insert only 2 links.
Here is the last one (Loan-Request-Form.form)
loan_request.form (476 Bytes)


Hi @vinhht,

In your decision model, the ID is called “first-level-Decision” (with a capital D) in your process you use “first-level-decision” (with a lower case d).
The mapping is case-sensitive

Hi Stephan,
It worked. Many thanks for your help.

Just wondering if I could simulate the execution of a Service Task without any codes for Job Worker ???

loan_process.bpmn (15.7 KB)
First-Level-Decision.dmn (2.9 KB)

I updated my models but when I want to automatically complete a Service Task, I got the following message:
Expected result of the expression ‘“notify_customer_accepted” and autoComplete = true’ to be ‘STRING’, but was ‘NULL’.

Please help because I want to automatically simulate the execution of Service Tasks without any codes.

Can you explain how you complete the service task automatically?
Are you using zeebectl?

No, I don’t use zeebectl.
I just want to work at the modeling level. To do that I need to simulate the execution of Service Tasks (with inputs, and get output when a service task is done). All that is done automatically. I don’t want to code. Let’s say my role is a modeler (a BA without any programming skills). Any option like that with Camunda ?

Are you aware of Zeebe-Play?

No, many thanks for these suggestions.