Camunda 8 Operate and TaskList Multi Db Support


Will Camunda 8 Operate and TaskList support Postgres, Mssql or Oracle dbs?

We need to use Operate and TaskList apis but we don’t want to use elasticsearch. Because elasticsearch data will be archived, we will not use it as permanent db.

We should be able to bring the information of the process instance which is completed years ago (or not completed).

Thanks in advance

Elasticsearch is an exporter to zeebe’s event stream. It is just like other exporters but its officially maintained and supported by the core camunda team.

Have you thought off writing an exporter for any of these databases?

Thank you for your answer @jgeek1

We thought off writing exporter but operate and tasklist applications reading data from elasticsearch. It looks like we won’t be able to use the operate and tasklist api when we use our exporters.

Do applications Operate and Tasklist support other dbs to read data?