Camunda 8 pooling

Hi all ,
can you please help me with implement this flow scenario in springboot application ? how can i make this message talking to each other and how can i start the start event message using zeebe ? as it didn’t have a correlate key

note: I’m using camunda7 adapter java delegate
Thank you in advance!

also , how these two process instance linked to each other ?

Hi @yhamed,

I would recommend skipping the camunda-7-adapter for this example and implement a new worker calling the PublishMessage RPC (Zeebe API (gRPC) | Camunda Platform 8 Docs) directly in a Zeebe client (Java client | Camunda Platform 8 Docs) or (Spring | Camunda Platform 8 Docs).

Adding a Zeebe Client to call the PublishMessage RPC from a JavaDelegate is a cumbersome task. I think, extending the camunda-7-adapter for this special use case is not worth the effort.

Hope this helps, Ingo

Thank you @Ingo_Richtsmeier
but this is a sample of my real bpmn i have a lot of task services that was implemented as delegates. did you still advice me to start implementing new workers instead of using camunda 7 adapter ?
one more question , did camunda8 workers applying polling by default?

Hi @yhamed,

At least for the service tasks that do messaging to other BPMN processes.

All other tasks can use the adapter to call other systems, where the API of the called system didn’t change.


Hope this helps, Ingo