Camunda 8 Process instance modification

I know hove to migrate and modify process instances with Camunda 7. When activate with an enterprise license the modification can be done in the Cockpit. Both for single instances and in bath (many instances in the same step at once).
But for Camunda 8 I cant seem to find any information for Operate, only how to accomplish it for a single process instance.
But how to bulk-modify many process instances at the same time using Operate? Or is that feature to yet implemented?


Did you already check this documentation: Process instance migration | Camunda 8 Docs



Yes, and this is for the migration. And on that page there is also a section for Process Instance Modification, which is my actual scope. But the described procedure is only for single instances. I want to do it in batch, ie for multiple instances at the same time. Like I can do in C7:Cockpit.

Ah I see, that is not there yet indeed.

Oh, then it´s certainly a feature on my whish list.
Besides doing it (both migration and modification) graphically in C7:Cockpit, it was also achievable through code. I hope this is also possible in C8, but I cant seem to find the correct documentation. Can you help with this?


Technically this can be done using the gRPC API of Zeebe (see Gateway service | Camunda 8 Docs) and the official Java Client supports these operations (see Java client | Camunda 8 Docs). I did not do it yet so I cannot help you with examples.

Not sure if this will have an more accessible REST API (in Operate for example) in the future.



Thank you for the answer!
I was digging a bit in the Java Client end found some examples to try out with. Also the gRPC API helped in the understanding.

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