Camunda 8 selfmanaged setup

Hi guys,
I am trying to set up camunda 8 locally,I have setuped elastic search,zeebe,operate and modeler,The issue i have facing now is that i can deploy my model to camunda cloud but i cant deploy to self manged platform,i have zeebe and elastic search running,by deploying model from desktop modeler its showing process definision deployed successfully,But its not listing in operate dashboard,works find in camunda cloud,anybody please help.thanks

Hello @vibin ,

I already participated in another thread today which describes the same problem.

Which modeler version do you use?


hi @jonathan.lukas I have tied in 5.1.0 and 5.2.0,Both have same problem.I have followed this Local installation | Camunda Platform 8 link to install all the prerequests,cant figureout whats the issue.

Hello @vibin ,

@StephanHaarmann had the solution ready here:

Could you please try this and confirm whether this solved your issue?


hi @jonathan.lukas ,
It worked.Thankyou for the help.

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