Camunda 8 vs 7 - tasklist app vastly superior in 7?

I keep coming across Camunda 7 Tasklist docs and the app seems to have been vastly superior than what i see in version 8.5. In latest version tasklist is just a simple list of tasks with a complete button for any form. Nothing else. In v 7.8 i see a full featured tasklist app with history, ability to add comments, to save data before completing tasks, really nice. What happened to those additional features?

See old version of tasklist here…

Could somebody please educate me or point me to somewhere?


Hi Tim

You are correct in that tasklist 7.x has many more features than 8.x…

Note that 7.x has had many more years of investment. In my experience, the 8.x version has had regular improvements to get it close to parity with 7.x, but it is not there yet…

I see a number of organisations choose to build their own tasklist UX and thus use the APIs. Hence they can augment whats available out of the box…


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@timg Thank you for sharing your observations and concerns regarding the changes in Camunda Tasklist between C7 and C8. We appreciate your feedback and understand the value those additional features provided in the older version.

Our team is fully committed and focused to enhancing the user experience and functionality of Camunda Tasklist for C8 in the upcoming releases. While some features have been streamlined in version 8.5 (candidate users and candidate groups for example), we are actively working on incorporating the functionalities you mentioned and more in our future updates.

You can check progress of those features and what’s coming next here: Camunda Public Roadmap · GitHub

For some that you mentioned:

I hope that this helps to address your concerns and provide clarity and transparency on what’s coming next.

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Thanks! That’s great info.

As per many people’s comments, it looks like we would need to build our own interface anyway. I’m currently engaged in a POC to prove it out. Hopefully all the API’s needed would be there. Thanks again!