Camunda 8 - Zeebe Cluster & Zeebe Worker Multiple connectivity

Hi Team,
I am running SaaS, I have spring boot using client secret its connecting zeebe cluster. I have a issue, where multiple developers are working on it, when they try to push their code, their own code deployed as a separate instance. When I running the instance, sometime the request goes to their instance (job worker), some time its coming to my instance (job worker). How can I control this ?

Hi Team, Can anyone help me on this.

Can you explain in more detail some things.

  1. what is being deployed
  2. what is being changed
  3. What is happened when these changes are made
  4. what is the expected behavior from your perspective

Hi @Niall ,

Project A:
feature_branch_1 (I am working) , feature_branch_2 (another developer working)

When I am working on feature_branch_1 with the latest BPMN change, when I try to push into github, my pipeline will trigger and deploy into new pod in my cluster. Another pod is already running with feature_branch_2.
Now when I trigger the process Instance, service task can go to feature_branch_1 or feature_branch_2, there will not be any guarantee right. I want to control this mechanism, It has to come to my deployed branch when I try to trigger from my side. Is that something possible to control like this ?

Please let me know if you need more details. Happy to share.

Ok - So you’d like to make sure that your job worker executed only on a specific version of the BPMN process that you’ve deployed?

Yes. you are correct @Niall .

At the moment the best and easier way to ensure it’s only activated on a specific version of a specfic process would be to add a version identifyer to the Job Type

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