Camunda Academy - Learning 'Request Car Insurance' DMN/BPMN Problem!

I am hitting a brickwall deploying the BPMN from the self-learning exercise having linked the adjusted BPMN uploaded from GitHub to the required DMN I get the error message

"Command ‘CREATE’ rejected with code ‘INVALID_ARGUMENT’: Expected to deploy new resources, but encountered the following errors:
‘Request Car Insurance.bpmn’: - Element: Rule_DetermineRisk > extensionElements > ioMapping > input

    • ERROR: Expected path expression 'experience ’ but doesn’t match the pattern '[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_](.[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_])'.
      [ deploy-error ] 20/1/2024 18:9:25

With “2 Problems”

Task_RejectRequest - Incoming flows do not join

Task_ApproveRequest - Incoming flows do not join

I cant progress any further and the issues with both the problem tasks indicated appear to be elated to the GitHub upload as I have not touched either of these in working through the tutorial.

Can someone help?

Hi @PeterBowe,

Welcome to the Camunda forums! Thank you for your feedback. I’m checking the provided solution (solution branch in GitHub) and I can’t reproduce the issue.

According to the error, I see a “white space” in the Inputs > Local variable name here:

  • ERROR: Expected path expression 'experience ’<–HERE but doesn’t match the pattern '[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_](.[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_])'.
    [ deploy-error ] 20/1/2024 18:9:25

To fix the issue, remove the “white space”, so the Local variable name is “experience” and deploy/run the process again.

According to the “2 Problems” you mentioned, we introduced more BPMN validation and best practices in the last release. These “problems” are not causing any issue with the process and they are merely a recommendation to follow good practices. They both reflect that the incoming flows (of the related task) are not joining into a single one. This is a BPMN rule to improve the reading of the diagrams. I will write down this improvement and share it with the team.

Let me know if you could fix your issue.
