camunda admin cannot startup

My SpringBoot integrates the camunda engine, but the admin page cannot be opened after startup. There is a message in the log stating ‘No processes.xml file found in process application’, but I can access the engine’s rest API, only the admin interface cannot be accessed. “http://localhost:8082/camunda/app/welcome/default/#!/login” → WhiteLabel Error Page

Hello my friend!
Welcome to Camunda Community! \o/

Do you have the processes.xml file in your spring application?
In your application.yml file, do you have the “authorization: enabled: true” config?


William Robert Alves

hello,thank u my friend,I guess it may be because I integrated some other dependencies that caused permission issues. Thank you for your answer

I’m glad you found the problem, I’m at your disposal if you have any questions! :grin:

William Robert Alves