Camunda application is not running in embedded server


Application is not getting deployed in embedded (Tomcat) server.

These below configurations are used,

Camunda version 7.16.0

Springboot 2.7.9 / 2.7.10

Java 8

Expected scenarios,

Need to run the application in eclipse using run as java application and also create WAR file and deploy in tomcat server.

Both the cases are not working. Kindly suggest.

Attached the pom.xml file

pom.yaml (8.4 KB)


Additional Info:-

Any suggestions on the main query.?

Hi @V_Sri,

there are several ways possible to embed the process engine into your application.

But using two different ways in the same project brings in a lot of maven configuration tasks.

I would recommend going the spring boot way for both, development and production.

If this is not possible, use the shared engine way on Tomcat and deploy it from the IDE to your tomcat server. There is a maven plugin available to support the deployment.

Hope this helps, Ingo

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Thanks for the reply.

If any sample pom.xml with all the maven configuration which works and war file to deploy in Camunda embedded server kindly share.

Hi @V_Sri,

Sorry, I don’t have any example to share.

Cheers, Ingo

Hello my friend!

Below is an example of the pom.xml file configured for the needs of my embedded project.
You can change some things according to your need.











        <!-- <artifactId>camunda-webapp-webjar-ee</artifactId> -->



    <!-- PostgreSQL -->







    <!-- -->









i hope this helps.

William Robert Alves