Camunda Automation Platform 7.21.0-alpha1 released

We are pleased to announce the first alpha release of Camunda Automation Runtime 7.21. This release features the following improvements:

  • Add Default History Time To Live to Model API
  • Support for Postgres 16
  • 8 Bug Fixes

You can Download Camunda for free or Run it with Docker.

For a complete list of all improvements, take a look at the release notes. Please also see the list of known issues.

If you want to dig in deeper, you can find the source code on GitHub.

Add Default History Time To Live to Model API

Now the processes created using the Fluent API will inherit a historyTimeToLive with a default value of 180 Days, same with Camunda Modeler defaults.

Support for PostgreSQL 16

We have added support for PostgreSQL 16 with this alpha release. Check out the list of supported databases in the documentation.

Share Your Thoughts with Us!

Your feedback is really important to us, so please download Camunda Automation Platform 7.21.0-alpha1, try it out, and let us know what you think about it.

You can contact us in the forum, send a tweet to @Camunda, or file a bug in our issue tracker.