Camunda Automation Platform 7.22.0-alpha5 released

We are pleased to announce the last alpha release of Camunda Automation Runtime 7.22.0. This release features the following improvements:

  • New supported environments
  • Support for variableNameLike in historic detail query
  • Filter user tasks on root process instance ID in Cockpit
  • Ensure the database transaction isolation level is READ_COMMITTED
  • Swagger is removed from Camunda Run
  • Sending telemetry feature is removed
  • Support Groovy 4.0
  • 5 Bug Fixes

You can Download Camunda for free or Run it with Docker.

For a complete list of all improvements, take a look at the release notes. Please also check the list of known issues.

If you want to dig in deeper, you can find the source code on GitHub.

New supported environments

With this alpha release we added support for the following environments:

  • WildFly application server 33
  • Oracle database 23ai LTS

Here you can check the complete list of supported environments: link.

Support for variableNameLike in historic detail query

The REST API endpoints POST /history/detail and GET history/detail now support the query parameter variableNameLike to filter historic detail entries for variables with a name that is like a given string parameter. The query will match the names of variables in a case-insensitive way.

Example usage:


You can find more information in the REST documentation.

Filter user tasks on root process instance ID in Cockpit

In the Search Human Tasks filter bar, there is a new filter for root process instance ID. It is possible to filter tasks instances whose execution was triggered by the given process instance.

Ensure the database transaction isolation level is READ_COMMITTED

We often observe reported unexpected behavior due to wrong process engine setup. Going forward, during the process engine start, a check for the transaction isolation level is performed to determine if the recommended READ_COMMITTED is used. When it’s different an exception will be thrown preventing the engine start.

This enforcement can be disabled by setting the skipIsolationLevelCheck flag to true. Read more about the isolation level and flag in the User guide.

Support Groovy 4.0

We have updated the Groovy version shipped with Camunda from 2.4 to 4.0.

The new version comes with Built-in type checkers, Switch expressions, Sealed types and many performance improvements.

Keep in mind that you might need to migrate your groovy scripts to be compatible with Groovy 4.0. It is possible to keep using Camunda Platform with a lower version of Groovy.

Please find more information in the Migration guide.

swaggerSwagger is removed from Camunda Run

The high number of security vulnerabilities and patches produced by Swagger has been a major contributing factor to continuous and numerous upgrades. To reduce this maintenance effort, Swagger will not be available in Camunda Run.

As a replacement, our users can use the OpenAPI in combination with a REST client of their choice such as Postman.

Sending telemetry feature is removed

Sending telemetry data has been introduced in Camunda 7.14.0+ (and 7.13.7, 7.12.12, 7.11.19). Unfortunately, users never adopted it to the degree that allowed us to derive conclusions from the data to improve our products and services. With Camunda 7.21.0, we disabled sending telemetry by default. With this release, we remove the feature completely.

  • If you are using the public API for the configuration of the feature, please consider removing the references. The API is marked as deprecated and emptied out.
  • If you use any of the process engine properties, you must remove them from all configuration including test.

Please find more information in the Migration guide.

Share Your Thoughts with Us!

Your feedback is really important to us, so please download Camunda Automation Platform 7.22.0-alpha5, try it out, and let us know what you think about it.

You can contact us here on the forum or file a bug in our issue tracker.