We are pleased to announce the next alpha release of Camunda Automation Runtime 7.23.0.
This release features the following improvements:
- Spring Boot 3.4 Support
- Wildfly 35 Support
- Comment API extended
- ExternalTaskClientBuilder baseURL configuration more flexible with URLResolver
- Make fetch and lock blocking queue capacity configurable
- 7 Bug Fixes
You can download Camunda for free or run it with Docker.
For a complete list of all improvements, take a look at the release notes. Please also see the list of known issues.
If you want to dig in deeper, you can find the source code on GitHub.
Spring Boot 3.4 Support
This alpha release brings support for spring boot 3.4 for spring-boot-starter and camunda-run distributions of camunda-bpm-platform.
Wildfly 35 Support
This alpha release adds support for Wildfly 35. For more information, the official release notes can be found here.
Comment API extended
This alpha brings support for updating and deleting comments related to a user task or a process instance. With the extended API, now you can:
DELETE /task/{taskId}/comment/{commentId}
- delete a comment of a given taskId and commentId
DELETE /task/{taskId}/comment
- delete all comments of a given taskId
PUT /task/comment
- update a comment message
DELETE /process-instance/{processInstanceId}/comment/{commentId}
- delete a comment of a given processInstanceId and commentId
DELETE /process-instance/{processInstanceId}/comment
- delete all comments of a given processInstanceId
PUT /process-instance/comment
- update a comment message
For reference please check the OpenAPI:
The Java API offers the same functionality via the TaskService.
This is a community contribution, thanks to prajwolbhandari1!
ExternalTaskClientBuilder baseURL configuration more flexible with URLResolver
Previously, the ExternalTaskClientBuilder had to be configured using a string baseURL. A URLResolver option has been added to offer more flexibility on how the baseURL is set, for example for load balancing. For more information please check the javadocs.
This is a community contribution, thanks to xmgdtc!
Make fetch and lock blocking queue capacity configurable
The blocking queue for long-polling fetch and lock had a fixed capacity. Now it can be configured by setting the fetch-and-lock-queue-capacity property
as a context parameter in the WEB-INF/web.xml
file of the engine-rest artifact. If this property is absent or its value invalid, the default value will be used.
Share Your Thoughts with Us!
Your feedback is really important to us, so please download Camunda Automation Platform 7.23.0-alpha3, try it out, and let us know what you think about it.
You can contact us in the forum, send a tweet to @Camunda, or file a bug in our issue tracker.