Recently I have used Camunda Bpm Run Utility to deploy Camunda Process present resource folder, however I want to start a process after it is deployed.
Please suggest me ways to do, can I make a rest api call inside my sh or bat file? if yes please help me with an example.
You can check out this video tutorial. That should answer any basic questions you have.
Hey @Niall ,
Thanks for the response, I have already gone through the video tutorial, but I haven’t found anything related to Auto Starting a deployed Process. In the video, you have explained about deploying a BPMN process, but I am looking for more like starting a process automatically without actually going to tasklist and manually starting it.
Ofcourse i wouldn’t want all the process to be started automatically, but do you have anything by which i can start a deployed process.
Sure thing,
The Rest API can start a process quite easily.
If you’re using Camunda Run you’ll already have access to the Swagger UI (http://localhost:8080/swaggerui/ ) where you can start processes and try out other APIs.
Unfortunately Swagger URL doesnt work, this is the application.yaml
id: demo
password: demo
url: jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/camunda
username: password
password: password
port: 8082
root: INFO
name: logs/camunda-bpm-run-log.txt
Also i think swagger.jar needs to provided inside internal folder.
So can we start a process using curl command inside the sh or bat, would that really work?