Camunda BPMN Autogenerate Code on the fly

Hi, I would like to generate java class, based on the input it should generate BPMN file automatically. Then I should able to download the BPMN file & would like to see the same in Camunda Modeler.

Can anyone have idea about this ?

Hello @vinothkumar ,

this is possible by creating a model programmatically.

For Camunda 7 and 8, there is a BPMN Model Java API that uses a very nice and intuitive builder pattern to create BPMN models.

They are created as BpmnModelInstances, which can be written to an outputstream.

The class you can start with is called Bpmn is both cases (I don‘t know the package names, but using the camunda-bpm or zeebe dependency should put the class on your classpath from where your ide can help you)

I hope this helps
