Camunda Chapter: Lausanne. Partage d'expériences adesso sur Camunda7 et Camunda 8

Hi there,

The Lausanne Chapter is back and ready to host their first meetup of the year!

The first talk will cover the Acrevis Bank AG project, delving deep into its architecture, communication patterns, and how the micro-frontends and Camunda’s components were connected. You’ll also hear about the lessons learned from this project.

During the second talk, you’ll learn about Camunda 8 and its connectors, and how to incorporate them into your models.

:calendar: September 13, 5 pm
:round_pushpin: Online
:speech_balloon: Language: French/English
:studio_microphone: Speakers: Sarah Zumühle and Jean-François Gonguet
:ticket: Sign up here

See you!