I am using kafka producer connector in camaunda to produce a message on a topic “test_2” on confluent cloud.
An independent application not related to camunda reads that message from topic “test_2” process the message and put its response on another kafka topic “topic_5”
now i am using camunda kafka consumer connector to read that message from topic “topic_5” but unable to do so.
when i run the process producer works fine–>
i can see message in topic “test_2”
i can also see my application read the message from “test_2” topic processed it and push it on the topic “topic_5”
i can see the final message message on topic “topic_5”
but my camunda kafka consumer connector is not able to read the finalMessage from topic “topic_5”
My kafka credentials are fine. I tested it → if i produce a message using camunda kafka producer in “test_2” topic and read from the same topic using kafka consumer connector on camunda it works fine
@hulk - is it possible the correlation key is incorrect or missing? If you check for running processes in Operate, do you see additional processes being created when the topic_5 message is written?
I am able to produce and consume the message successfully through camunda connectors when producer is producing message on topic_a and consumer connector is reading the message from the same topic_a. the it works fine.
but with my below given flow goes it doesn’t work
start camunda process with request parameters—> produce the message on topic_a through camunda producer connector–> an independent application reads the message from topic_a and produce its response topic_b.now on camunda my consumer kafka connector needs to read that message from topic_b.
But it is unable to do so. I am able to see the message on topic_b on confluent.
I even hardcoded the correlation key(PAYLOAD )=“abc” and correlation key(PROCESS)=“abc” still it doesnt work with different topics.
DO camunda intermediary kafka consumer event work on same topics?
ALso related to correlation key
there are two parameters correlationkey(process) i pass userID process variable
in correaltionKey(payload) i pass value.userID →
my understanding is correlationKey(process) and correlationKey(payload) are compared if they are equal the message is consumed.
Hey I was able to consume the message now through kafka camunda consumer connector
difference i figured out was
###format of the message value in kafka which i was able to consume
through kafka camunda consumer connector using correlationKey(payload)=value.userID