Camunda Forms and process variables

Hello everyone!
I have simple case: I use camunda 7 platform and I’d like to make some forms for my user tasks.
I’ve been trying create *.form file using the Camunda Modeler and display some data from process variables, but I’ve got the error in my modeler:

Text populated by an expression is not supported by Camunda Platform 7.18

Then tried to use Camunda 8 and I’ve got:

Text populated by an expression is not supported by Camunda Platform 8.1

Guys, is it not possible to use “Camunda Forms” and fill the form from my variables?

My form’s just like:

  "components": [
      "text": "=variable_name",
      "type": "text",
      "id": "Field_131mvum"
  "type": "default",
  "id": "Form_0lgcvwd",
  "exporter": {
    "name": "Camunda Modeler",
    "version": "5.8.0"
  "executionPlatform": "Camunda Platform",
  "executionPlatformVersion": "7.18.0",
  "schemaVersion": 7