Camunda helm template error, mapping values are not allowed in this context YAML parse error

I am using Camunda helm chart v9.0.1, I encountered below error when running helm template command. Helm version 3.14.

C:\...\camunda-platform-helm-10.0.5\helm>helm template --name-template=camunda-platform-helm-10-0-5-main . -f values/dev-a/values.yaml --set app_name=camunda-platform-helm-10-0-5-main --debug >k-image.yaml
install.go:218: [debug] Original chart version: ""
install.go:235: [debug] CHART PATH: C:\Projects\Camunda\Helm-10.0.5\camunda-platform-helm-10.0.5\helm

Error: YAML parse error on camunda-platform/charts/identity/templates/configmap-env-vars.yaml: error converting YAML to JSON: yaml: line 11: mapping values are not allowed in this context
helm.go:84: [debug] error converting YAML to JSON: yaml: line 11: mapping values are not allowed in this context
YAML parse error on camunda-platform/charts/identity/templates/configmap-env-vars.yaml*manifestFile).sort

I searched around, and think my charts\identity\templates\configmap-env-vars.yamlfile is formatted right.

{{- /* TODO: Move rest of the config vars from deployment file to here. */}}
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: {{ include "identity.fullname" . }}-config-env-vars
  labels: {{- include "identity.labels" . | nindent 4 }}
  annotations: {{- toYaml | nindent 4 }}
{{- if or .Values.postgresql.enabled .Values.externalDatabase.enabled }}
  IDENTITY_DATABASE_HOST: {{ include "" . | quote }}
  IDENTITY_DATABASE_PORT: {{ include "identity.postgresql.port" . | quote }}
  IDENTITY_DATABASE_NAME: {{ include "identity.postgresql.database" . | quote }}
  IDENTITY_DATABASE_USERNAME: {{ include "identity.postgresql.username" . | quote }}
{{- end }}

Any idea how to resolve it?