I am using Keycloak (https://www.keycloak.org) for SSO (authentication and authorization) for my camunda springboot REST services. Is there a reference implementation of camunda with keycloak boot adapters?
With the camunda boot app, if I add the “keycloak-spring-boot-adapter” jar as dependency, I am not able to access http://localhost:8080/app/admin/default/ page. It throws an error saying
“WARN [FormAuthenticator-log:179] No login page was defined for FORM authentication in context []”
Hi @garysamuelson,
Thank you very much for the response. I will look into this. Hope that we need to do more configurations on tomcat and the web application front like the config as “KEYCLOCL” etc… I am working on that. I will post back my observations once I am successful.
I just paused this for the time-being, as we have customer demos lined up. I will be able to resume this from next week onwards. Thank you very much the the followup. I will post my updates once I am able to do something on this integration.
Hi @jseaton,
Sorry for the depayed response. We parked that as a lower prioroty for now.
But Here are my thoughts on this. I have done minor POC kind of stuff on this. I have enabled LDDAP authentication to Camunda and Keycloak also to use the same LDAP as user store. Then implemented a class that will do request interception (ex: something Like HTTPBasicAuth avaible from Camunda). Then We need to over rode the check password on that.