Camunda Manual

Hi everyone,

I do not know where to ask this, so I hope to find someone know this, I am a student doing some part of my project on camunda, and have been told to attach manual or something explain the software in general to the text, but when I was and still learning about the software was by practice and reading deferent post here, and watching some videos on YouTube, so does anyone know a reference book or manual for the software that cover the main things which would be suitable to add as part of my thesis for this regard?

All the material you’d need to understand Camunda is here in the Academy.

Good luck :slight_smile:

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Thank you for your replay, I am already following the courses in this academy which is very helpful, however, for my case in order to put in my thesis later I need like manual that I will take some parts of it to attach,

I found these tow pages:

which is good, but I do not know if there is like pdf file for this doc?

You can always export the docs page to PDF

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Sorry for my question which may seems stupid, but do you mean save the page as pdf using the browser?

Well, since there isn’t a PDF “manual” of Camunda you could create one by exporting the docs into a PDF.

Other wise you can look through some of the Academy courses, they often have PDFs on the topics they’re covering.

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Thanks, I will try to create one based on the content of the website.