Camunda Migration from 7.12 to 7.17

Hello camunda folks,

We are currently using camunda community version 7.12 and we are planning to upgrade it to camunda 7.17.

when we changed our POMs we see some eros like Camunda DB not having few colums, how can we patch our Camunda DB ?

Best regards,

You’ll find all of the instructions you and database scripts here in the docs.

But remember that you’re going to need the scripts one at a time in ascending order. So to get from 7.12 to 7.17 you have to run all scripts for the versions between those two

Hi @Niall , thanks for the reply. we are using :

Java version: JDK 11
Spring boot version : 2.6.6.RELEASE
Camunda version : 7.17.0
Camunda spring boot version : 7.17.0

Our camunda process module POM:






But when buidling the camunda process module is automatically changin it’s java version to 1.8, is there something wrong in the configuration?

Best regards,

Hi @Sandeep_Kumar,

the camunda-bpm-spring-boot-starter-root artifact is build with and uses Java 8.

For a user project I would not use a camunda artifact as root, only as a dependency as shown here: Setup a Spring Boot Project |

Then you can set the java version by yourself.

Hope this helps, Ingo

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