Camunda Modeler Camunda7

Hello everyone, I have a question about the diagram I created, I try to find the problem with my diagram but I don’t know why condition script returns null: result is null [ start-instance- error ] Can you explain me?

Doing the above doesn’t work as I have the following error:
Cannot instantiate process definition Leaveform:5:b59b9ff8-9648-11ed-8946-d4258b082d48: condition script returns null: result is null [ start-instance-error ]

My bpmn file:
new leaveform.bpmn (6.8 KB)
thank you

Hi No04,
a condition event script should result in either true or false, right?
You can change your script to something like this:

var output = ‘EXTERNALLY_TERMINATED given’;
if (output == ‘EXTERNALLY_TERMINATED’) {
execution.setVariable(‘nextTask’, ‘PendingApprove’);
} else {

I guess you are just testing how the script works and then you’ll remove the var output = 'EXTERNALLY_TERMINATED given'; line otherwise this script will always return false :grinning:

Have a good day!

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Thank you :grinning: