How can I integrate Rocketbot with Camunda?
@esteban_rojas_barrer Welcome to the Camunda Community.
Your question is very general, so I will offer you some general guidelines that will help you when thinking of more concrete questions. I guess you are speaking of Rocketbot RPA platform.
Camunda Platform 7 has a RPA bridge Camunda Platform RPA Bridge |, this bringe can connect to different RPA’s. It supports UiPath and Automation Anywhere.
The Camunda Platform RPA Bridge of Camunda 7 is only maintained (so bugs and patches) and no more features are developed, meaning, no Rocketbot will be added to this bridge, so in your case you could consider using one of those 2 instead of Rocketbot. An example with UIPath is here Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and Camunda BPM | Camunda.
An alternative would then be to use Camunda 8 with connectors, because the Camunda RPA Bridge is replaced by RPA Out-of-the-box Connectors in Camunda 8.
There are out fo the box connectors for
- Automation Anywhere
- Power Automate
- UiPath
There is not a connector for Rocketbot. Camunda implements connectors for popular tools, I am not familiar with Rocketbot but if it has presence in the market maybe a connector will be developed. But this is not guaranteed.
So the other option for you is to actually create a connector for Rocketbot. In general terms you need a Camunda API, which Camunda offers and a Rocketbot API, and you craft the connection between the 2.
Camunda documentation on connectors Introduction | Camunda Platform 8 Docs
And the guide on how to create a connector Connector SDK | Camunda Platform 8 Docs
For Rocketbot. you could start by asking in the Rocketbot forum if there is an API