Camunda Operate 8.2.0 Readiness Probe ignores contextPath

Our CI brought in Camunda charts 8.2.0 yesterday (April 12 2023).


Camunda Operate pod readiness probe failed. This probe was enabled in 8.2.0. It was disabled previously. The readiness probe does not prefix the contextPath to the readiness.probePath.

This looks like a bug. We believed the contextPath would be prefixed to all the URLs.

Expected Behavior:

It should not be necessary to prefix the probePath with the contextPath since it has already been specified in contextPath. The contextPath prefix must be added to all camunda liveness and readiness probes as well so each one of them don’t have to be explicitly provided in values.yaml.

Currently the readiness and liveness probes are disabled. But if they are enabled in a future release we will run into this issue everytime.


Add the following additional lines (readiness) to the values.yaml used for camunda upgrade/install:

    enabled: true
    contextPath: /my-context/my-sub-context/operate
    logLevel: info
          probePath: /my-context/my-sub-context/operate/actuator/health/readiness