Camunda process Migration to new server

I have a bpmn process deployed on a server(lets say x ) . It has end time of 45 days which I have configured . That is the total life of any process instance will be 45 days after which is will be deleted . Now I want to move all the process instances which are active to the same bpmn process but this will be deployed on a different server ( lets say Y ) . What is the seamless way of migration from x to y if there is any ?

When you say “server” what exactly is on the server?
Camunda Engine? Web Apps?

hi @Niall So We have deployed our camunda process embedded in a spring boot application to a server . Now it has some live process instances in it that will expire after 45 days that we have configured . now we plan to deploy the application to a different server but the process bpmn remains the same . We want to migrate all the open process instances to that server along with the application

So, all running and historical data for a process is persisted in the database.
Assuming the database you’re using is not embedded in your spring boot application it should be as simple as shutting down one server and starting up another on that points to the same database as the first. You wont lose any data if you do this properly.

ok so here is the problem . we are using postgres database but the db is also embedded in the same server as our application . since we are migrating to a new server it wont be accessible from there . and Also the problem is that initally we had the process.bpmn running on 8 different decentralized servers each having the same bpmn process but different db and different instances . Now we want to centralise it into one server .

Yikes, thats gonna be a problem.
In general you should be able to copy the data out of the embedded DB and put it into an external DB and then point the the existing server. Assuming that works ok you can shut down the old server and start up the new one as i previously described.

You’re likely to have problems trying to throw all those different process instances into one database. After you’ve externalized the database and setup a new server you should divide the existing process instances into ones that will finish soon and ones that will take a long time.

Migrate the one’s that’ll take a long time by using this API. It’s important to add the startInstructions where you can start the process process from the same point that the process is currently at. Leave the rest to finish.