Camunda processes bundling with process engine

I would request you to please guide me to some direction to choose the right path for my camunda processes and deployment strategy.
I need to build some camunda processes across different use cases so i would like to have these bpmn processes (p1, p2,p3…) etc deployed in multiple springboot microservices to expose the REST endpoints. Pls note, i am not suppose to keep all the processes in one springboot application as the scalablity requirement for each process is different.
Now i want to have one process engine running which should host all my processes and i want to have in either as shared process engine or embedded process engine.
If i go with embedded then do i need to keep seperate process engine with each springboot microservice that i will certainly not prefer… how can i have one process engine running as a spring boot application and other spring boot apps just connect the prev one and host the bpmn instances in that.
I can explore the shared process engine approach too but how to go about it?
I assume i am clear here… to be precise i want to have one process engine running as a spring app (container or standalone) and other spring boot apps should refer this previous one to deploy and start the process instances. Any example or guide in this reference will be helpful. thanks