Camunda Question Corner June!

Hi Community Folk!

The last Thursday of the month is approaching which means the question corner it almost upon us! Joining myself and @Nele this month is the human ray of sunshine known as @philippfromme. :sun_with_face: He’s one of the main developers behind the Camunda Modeler and he’ll be answering any questions you might have about bpmn.js and the modeler

Register HERE to show up live

You can also send your questions here

Looking forward to seeing you all here!

The recording of the event is up!

To just right to a specific questions check out the links below:

00:00 - Introduction of Niall, Nele and Flip
02:44 - Token Simulation Demo
03:37 - Poll: Do you use the Token Simulation plugin?
04:37 - Best use cases for External Tasks vs Connectors…
09:28 - Can token simulation work in Cawemo?
10:40 - Camunda Cloud vs Camunda platform with k8s
13:11 - How Transactions in Camunda affect Events
14:56 - Is there Single Modeler for Camunda Cloud and Platform?
16:06 - Can be used to create a UML modelling tool?
18:53 - What are Camunda Connectors and what is their use case?
20:57 - Getting an Unknown Column error with MariaDB
22:13 - Do we have a roadmap for Camunda Platform?
23:21 - Getting started with Creating a Modeler Plugin……
25:49 - What is the difference External Tasks and Connectors?
28:22 - Is there license restrictions using Zeebe?
29:04 - Redundancy in Camunda Cloud and Platform
30:02 - Are there any enterprise features in Camunda modeler?
30:56 - Can you export DMN tables to XLS/spreadsheet…
32:53 - Why does Camunda use MyBatis over other frameworks?
34:54 - Will there be visual element template creation in cawemo?
37:12 - How would I get started with Camunda? 37:45 - CamundaCon 2021 Announcement & Goodbye!

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