Camunda RestAPI GET request problems

HI Neelanjan,

you can fix it, if you change your result expression to a unique name.
If you name it body, there is a magic input mapping happening in the Zeebe Engine.
We reported a bug.
A workaround would be renaming it to a non REST related name, like myresponse or something like that

Hi Bastian,

Tried mapping the response variable to a different variable and have kept the result expression as blank… but see the same issue…

To add … mapped response variable but still similar issue…

Response variable :-
{“myresp” : body}

i just tried again and can’t reproduce your issue.
Can you please test the following bpmn file in your environment?

For me it is working

quick-start-api-orchestration.bpmn (9.3 KB)

Thanks Bastian… this help… Got the issue resolved… Basically not to use the “body” in the result expression in any of the REST connector…

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Hello team,

i want to use REST API but did nit find the task template in properties you can see the above diagram
what i do here ?

Hi @Supriya

If you want to use Connectors, you’ll need to use the Camunda web modeler.

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