Camunda restarting brokes service tasks

I use Camunda v7.14.0-SNAPSHOT and it seems there is a bug here.
Every time I restart my docker container with Camunda, it brokes all my service tasks with http-connector. It just doesn’t send a request. All tokens hang on these service tasks. And there are no logs about it.
As a workaround, I need to redeploy the process and migrate all instances to the new definition. After that tokens move forward.
Did anyone have a similar problem? I don’t want to redeploy processes every time I restart Camunda.

I’ve never heard of this problem happening myself, but i also tend to suggest to people to avoid using connectors if possible.


How do you deploy your process models? Via modeller or rest API?

Are your service tasks Async?

If so, it could be the job executor won’t execute your service tasks unless you set the engine config deployment aware false…



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YES - I forgot about that! thanks @Webcyberrob - thats almost certainly the issue :slight_smile:

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Yes, I use async for the tasks. And I use rest API.
I also have found that false is a default value for this setting. And I don’t see jobExecutorDeploymentAware in my bpm-platform.xml so I suppose it has to be false.

Hm… Today my camunda crushed and I had the same issue again.
I really need a solution.

Hi @11118,

I recommend you to avoid using snapshot version but rather use an officially released alpha or minor version. 7.14.0 is already published.
Could you please give us more details on your setup: which docker image do you use, which server.
Do you changed some in the engine configuration, maybe share your bpm-platform.xml?

Best regards,

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Hi @Yana!

I use the docker image camunda/camunda-bpm-platform:tomcat-latest and the only thing I changed - I enabled basic auth for engine REST.
I didn’t change the bpm-platform.xml, so I don’t think it contains something special.

Maybe I can get some more logs from camunda to see what happened? I’m new in camunda so I don’t know how to do that if it’s possible.

Hi @11118,

We had problems with the community tags of the docker images. Please pull again and the tomcat-latest should use the 7.14.0 version.
You can find the server log files under /camunda/logs directory.

By default in the docker the jobExecutorDeploymentAware is set to true, you can consider disabling it. You can double check the process engine configuration user /camunda/conf/bpm-platform.xml.

Best regards,

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